Discover the harmonious Path to Inner Peace and Wellness

Escape to Serenity: Unwind and Reconnect
2 – 5 May 2024

4 Days 3 nights Yoga & Mindful Pilates Retreat

in Enchanting Portugal

Are you seeking a blissful escape from the hectic demands of everyday life? Are you yearning to reconnect with your inner self and find harmony between mind, body, and spirit? Join us for an rejuvenating retreat in the breathtaking healing nature in the heart of Portugal. (about 2 hrs by car, from Lisbon or Porto)

Embrace Tranquility: Your Journey Begins

Amidst lush greenery and tranquil surroundings, this retreat space offers a sanctuary where healing energy and positive vibrations converge. From the moment you step foot on Gravito’s serene grounds, you will be greeted by a warm and inviting atmosphere, designed to embrace you in a nurturing cocoon of peace.

Nourish your body with Classical Yoga, Mindful Pilates & sound Healing

Allow our seasoned yoga instructors to guide you on a transformative journey through rejuvenating Sivananda yoga and pranayama practices. Whether you are a seasoned yogi or a beginner, our tailored sessions cater to all levels, ensuring that you experience growth and progress throughout the retreat.

Combining the grace of Pilates with the essence of mindfulness, we will guide you through Mindful Pilates sessions that go beyond physical fitness. Explore the profound connection between movement and mindfulness as you engage your core, improve flexibility, and align your body with grace and intention.

Gravito is a truly magical spot with many acres of land surrounded by forests.

There are some great river waterfall swimming spots, many walking trails and it is at walking distance from a river beach with restaurants and local cafes.

Gravito has individual terraces each with domes and tipis for accommodation (Sharing), a large outdoor shaded platform and a big geodesic dome for practice.

who will be guiding you on this rejuvenating retreat?

Carol (Saraswati)

Embark on a healing and energising journey led by Carol, an experienced retreat leader (led retreats from Bali to Bhutan). With over 20 years of expertise in Pilates matwork and more than a decade in Sivananda Yoga, her teachings embody a deep understanding of the mind-body connection.

Carol’s profound spiritual journey has opened her heart and mind, infusing her guidance with a nurturing and transformative energy. As a part-time lecturer at a local university and a freelance teacher, she shares her wealth of yoga, pilates and mindfulness knowledge with diverse adults. Join her fifth retreat and immerse yourself in a rejuvenating experience that will nourish you.

Her experience in an academic setting ensures that her teaching is not only grounded in practical wisdom but also supported by a pedagogical approach that fosters effective and enjoyable learning experiences.

Carol (Saraswati) feels blessed to be joined by Arjuna and José in this upcoming retreat. Both Arjuna and José are Portuguese and they will have much to share about their homeland.

Prepare to nourish your body, mind, and spirit amidst the serene and beautiful setting, and leave feeling empowered, renewed, and ready to embrace life with newfound vitality.

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Discover a transformative yoga experience with yogi, Arjuna. With unwavering dedication to the practice and teachings of Sivananda Yoga since 2005, Arjuna’s profound knowledge and years of personal growth will guide you on a soul-enriching journey towards inner peace and well-being.

Having visited several Sivananda Yoga centers across Europe, including London, Paris, Madrid, and Lisbon, Arjuna has honed his skills under the guidance of revered masters and absorbed the essence of this revered tradition.

Arjuna’s classes are renowned for their intensity and joyful atmosphere. While guiding you through each pose and breath, he infuses his sessions with good humour, creating an environment where you feel at ease and encouraged to explore your potential. Arjuna’s teaching style embraces the authentic principles of Sivananda Yoga while adapting to the unique needs and abilities of each individual, ensuring that everyone feels comfortable and supported on their yoga journey.

José Martins was born in old Lisbon 47 years ago and has facilitated more than 900 HealingSound group sessions.

After 10 years at the service of Mechanical Engineering, his inner voice pushed him to discover and experience spirituality. This maturation took place 22 years ago with a deepening of the practice following the teachings of a Spiritual Master – Sri Chinmoy.

In order to expand the Being and his ability to share his I AM, he obtained several trainings, namely: Yoga, Ayurvedic Massage, Laughter Yoga, Coaching, Reiki, Quantum Healing, Pyramidology, Numerology, SoundHealing and Sacred Geometry.

The approach to the energy of Lys expanded his capacity and integrated Sound/Vibration as a vehicle for Transmutation and Healing. He felt ideal to share his knowledge of Mantras and Crystal Bowls, and dubbed the project euphonia (from ancient Greek, harmonious sounds) and has already released several CDs as part of his Service.

After training in Overtones chanting with Roman Lampaya, he is now also part of this powerful etheric healing tool.

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Previous retreats organised by Saraswati & Arjuna

itinerary 2-5 May 2024

(3/4 people sharing with option for double sharing)

The accommodation for you and/or your friends are in comfortable decked tipis. Each tipi has lovely views, is set on an individual terrace and is usually shared between 3 or 4 guests. You can request for double sharing and subject to availability, at the time of your payment. (additional fees apply for double and single occupancy)

what others experienced in our retreats?

Retreat Fees


  • Accommodation for 3 nights (3 or 4 people sharing)
  • Daily guided Sivananda yoga, mindful pilates, meditation & mindfulness sessions
  • 2 x sound healing sessions
  • Nutritious vegan meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner)
  • Access to all retreat facilities and amenities
  • Daily nature walks and river exploration
  • Satsang (Evening meditation, mindfulness practices and sharing sessions)

*additional fee for double sharing request

*additional fee for single occupancy (depends on availability, please enquire)

Should you have any questions,
please do not hesitate to contact us.

We will be happy to answer.

Registration Opens now. (Limited space)

Om Shanti

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